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Storm Of ‘Biblical Proportions’ To Strike California

The mother of all storms is set to hit California in the near future, with large sections of the State at risk of severe flooding, according to the National Weather Service. According to scientists, the recent bout of storms across the West coast of America are just a precursor to a much bigger storm that will be of “biblical proportions” compared to recent weather. Recent research has shown that every 200 years for the past 2,000 years or more, California has experienced massive floods that have swept through the state causing thousands of deaths.

De Niro & RFK Jr. Expose Corrupt Vaccine Industry

Robert De Niro and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. held a joint press conference last week offering a $100k reward to anyone who can prove that vaccines containing mercury are safe to administer to children. On Feb. 15 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., they publicly discussed efforts to examine links between mercury and vaccination and expose the massive corruption that is prevalent today in the vaccine industry. Complacent Big Pharma, with their control of scientific study and dialogue, could be behind an outbreak of autism and other neurological disorders in children.

Dramatic Drone Footage Shows Extent Of San Jose Flooding

Dramatic Drone Footage Shows Extent Of San Jose Flooding

While the series of major storms hitting California have begun to subside, residents of San Jose are being warned to keep away from affected homes until water levels decrease to a safe level. Flash floods along the west coast of the US have seen thousands of people forced to leave their homes and a state of emergency declared by California governor Jerry Brown. The majority of mandatory evacuation orders have now been downgraded for areas including Sutter County around the Oroville Dam Spillway, which sparked panic one week ago when it threatened to collapse during the floods.

Nevada Weather Service Warns Of Dam Failure Threat

Update: according to an update posted moments ago by the Nevada Weather Service in Reno, the Flash Flood Warning has been canceled as the water has receded in the Dayton Retention Pond and it is no longer expected to fail.

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