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DOJ Probing Whether Citadel Is Frontrunning Its Clients

DOJ Probing Whether Citadel Is Frontrunning Its Clients

Over two years ago, and just days after Michael Lewis released Flash Boys focusing attention on the ongoing criminal practice of orderflow frontrunning by such Fed intermediaries as Citadel (and many other now entrenched and recently IPOing names), none other than Citadel's head of "Execution Services" which we supposed is the internal name of the firm's client-facing HFT group, Jamil Nazarali, proclaimed that small investors have never been so fortunate and said, with regard to Michael Lewis' now infamous book Flash Boys, "The most important thing that the market c

American “Justice” Too Corrupt Even For The Totally Corrupt DOJ

American “Justice” Too Corrupt Even For The Totally Corrupt DOJ

The US court system is so corrupt that it is too much even for the corrupt US
Dept of Justice (sic), a cabinet department that legalized torture, indefinite detention of
US citizens without due process of law, execution of US citizens without due process of law, and
all-invasive spying on US citizens in total violation of the US Constitution.

Here is the US Attorney General telling off the corrupt state and local judges for reinstituting debtor prisons.
