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drop out of the race
This Is Why Joe Biden’s Decision To Drop Out Of The Race Is A Nightmare Scenario
Bannon-Backed Roy Moore Accused Of Inappropriate Sexual Contact With 14-Year-Old Girl

In an explosive report that, if accurate, could potentially swing a race for Jeff Session's old Senate seat to the Democrats, former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is being accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl back in 1979, when he was 32.
Moore handily won the Republican primary in the race to fill Session's old seat back in September, and was gearing up to face Democrat and former US Attorney Doug Jones in a special election next month.
Trump Leads Clinton Nationally For First Time In Latest Poll

Having recently tied her in a Rasmussen poll, Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton for the first time in a national poll, according to FOX News.
The FOX News poll shows the trend quite clearly with Hillary'snumbers falling consistently and Trump's rising given him a 3pt lead - his first national lead of the campaign.
The breakdown exposes just how divided America is during this election cycle...
Kasich Out: Trump Challenger To Make 5PM Statement In Ohio After Cancelling Press Conference

It appears that less than one day after Ted Cruz announced he is quitting the race, the last hurdle to Donald Trump becoming the official GOP candidate instead of just the "presumptive" one, is about to fall: according to CNN's Phil Mattingly the republican challenger has just cancelled a press conference in Virginia and will make a statement in Ohio this afternoon at 5pm. We assume it is to announce he too is withdrawing from the race.