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Our Crazy-Making, Profiteering Education-Career Maze

Our Crazy-Making, Profiteering Education-Career Maze

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The answer is not another $1 trillion in student loan debt to pay for another raft of declining-value credentials.

So let's say we want to set up a system to help students choose a career that fits their aptitudes and interests. What would we do? How about:

1. Give them zero (or superficial) aptitude and career-related tests.

FBI Arrests Several NCAA Coaches Amid Broad Crackdown On College Basketball Corruption

In a broad crackdown on college basketball corruption, U.S. prosecutors unveiled charges Tuesday against 10 coaches, managers, financial advisers and representatives of a sportswear company, accusing them of bribery, fraud and corruption in recruitment in college basketball. Additionally, a key part of the case includes allegations that an executive at a global apparel company bribed students to attend universities where the company sponsored athletic programs.

Blowback? - Mizzou Enrollment Tumbles To Lowest Since 2008

Blowback? - Mizzou Enrollment Tumbles To Lowest Since 2008

Amid ongoing fallout from the negative media attention and student (and faculty) protests that rocked campus in 2015, the University of Missouri recently welcomed its smallest student body since 2008.

As Campus Reform has repeatedly reported, the embattled university has taken hit after hit, starting with a $32 million budget shortfall and a five-percent budget cut, followed by a seven-percent drop in freshmen enrollment heading into last school year.

Florida Parents Outraged After Teacher Demands Her 5th Graders Use Gender Neutral Pronouns

Florida Parents Outraged After Teacher Demands Her 5th Graders Use Gender Neutral Pronouns

Over the past year or so, we've observed in amazement as one 'institution of higher indoctrination' (a.k.a. "university") after another came up with replacement pronouns for politically incorrect 'hate speech' like 'freshman'.  Vanderbilt even forced its teachers and administrators to wear name tags defining their pronouns just so there would be absolutely no gender confusion that might lead to a nasty "triggering" event or unnoticed "microaggression (see: Vanderbilt University Name Placards For Faculty Offices Will Now Include "Preferred Pronouns").
