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College Enrollment Is Surging But Is It Really Worth It? (Aside From The Frat Parties, Of Course)

College Enrollment Is Surging But Is It Really Worth It? (Aside From The Frat Parties, Of Course)

College enrollment has been surging over the past 4 years with 67.4% of high school men enrolling directly in college after high school in 2016 versus only 61.3% in 2012. 

Ask any economics professor at an Ivy League school what is driving the trend of higher college enrollments and you'll get a quick response that implies that our young 18-year-old snowflakes are simply hedging their future employment opportunities against the devastating consequences of globalization and a deteriorating manufacturing base in the United States.

The Price For Speaking Out Against Campus 'Left' "Might Be Your Reputation"

The Price For Speaking Out Against Campus 'Left' "Might Be Your Reputation"

Authored by William Jacobson via,

The price to be paid by conservatives on campus is a topic I have been covering frequently.

I discussed recently the issues at Cornell in For conservatives at Cornell University, high price for free speech, and more generally the atmosphere on many campuses in The new Cultural Revolution on Campuses

Trump Destroys Michelle O's Legacy; Makes School Lunches Great Again

Trump Destroys Michelle O's Legacy; Makes School Lunches Great Again

Michelle Obama made it her mission during her 8 years in the White House to eradicate all taste from school lunches.  Afterall, what kind of self-respecting liberal would she be if she allowed school districts and families all across the country to actually choose what food best suited their communities and children?

She even made inspiring videos like "Turnip For What!?", a clever play off Lil Jon's track (great role model for children, btw)...see what she did there?

UC Davis Rolls Out "Morning After Pill" Vending Machines - "It Encourages Responsibility"

The University of California at Davis has a revolutionary solution for all their binge-drinking students who find it difficult to control their primal urges after a night of frat-hopping...the 'Plan B' vending machine.  For $30 a box students can now flush that pesky, potentially-fertilized egg without the hassle of having to walk all the way to a pharmacy. 

Of course, the female students on campus seem to love the idea, saying..."It's like useful"....yeah, totally, and stuff.
