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"Terrorism Is Really Not That Big A Deal" Harvard Students See Trump Worse Than ISIS

"Terrorism Is Really Not That Big A Deal" Harvard Students See Trump Worse Than ISIS

What is more dangerous: President Donald Trump's rhetoric or ISIS?

Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips received some curious answers to that question from the hallowed halls of Harvard University, clarifying perspective on student's mass dissonance in America...  

"I think he's an asshole-in-chief... Terrorism is really not that big of a deal... ISIS is not a threat to everyday life; Trump's rhetoric and "empowering" people with hateful views is more of a threat."

Doug Casey Explains Why College Is A Waste of Money

Via Casey Research,

I recently sat down again with Casey Research founder Doug Casey to discuss a troubling trend: the fast-rising cost of a college education. Read our conversation below to see why Doug says relying on - and paying for - today's educational paradigm "makes as much sense as entering a Model T Ford in the 24 Hours of Le Mans"…

Justin: Doug, I recently had an interesting conversation with my sister.

Janet Yellen To Hold Previously Unannounced Speech On Monday, Take Twitter Questions

On Monday, April 10, Janet Yellen will hold a previously unannounced speech at the Gerald Ford School Of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, the school announced on its website this morning. The speech is expected to last from 4pm until 5:15pm, and will be free and open to the public.

Yellen will take questions from the audience and in a notable departure from her previous discussions, she will also take questions from Twitter. To join the conversation on the social platform use the #fordschoolyellen hashtag.

Snowflakes Demand University President's Resignation After Refusal To Support "Safe Spaces"

Snowflakes Demand University President's Resignation After Refusal To Support "Safe Spaces"

Snowflakes at the ultra-liberal Northern Arizona University are demanding that their President, Rita Cheng, step down today after a student asked for her opinion on 'safe spaces' and got a rather shocking dose of reality as a reply. 

During a forum hosted by Cheng, NAU sophomore Breanna Kramer asked the following (per KPNX):
