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50% Of College Students Believe Their Student Loans Will Be Forgiven By Federal Government

50% Of College Students Believe Their Student Loans Will Be Forgiven By Federal Government

LendEDU, a private firm that connects students and their families with student loans and loan refinancing, has finally revealed a clue that helps us better understand the mystery of why so many college students across the country have become so comfortable haphazardly taking out $100s of thousands of dollars in student loans to  fund their degrees in anthropology.  According to a survey of 500 current college students conducted by LendEDU, apparently 49.8% of America's entitled youth is convinced that the federal government will simply forgive their student loans upon graduation...c

Bomb Threats In U.S. Trigger Evacuation Of Jewish Centers

Numerous Jewish communities across the U.S. have received bomb threats over the past two months. In the latest wave of threats, dozens of Jewish community centers in twelve U.S. states from Alabama to Pennsylvania reported getting bomb threats on Monday. Last week, 10 Jewish centers in five states received similar threats. reports: US: Jewish community centers in Alabama, Florida, Maryland and North Carolina evacuated in new round of bomb threats.

Intellectual Intolerance - Stunning Speech From Stanford University Provost Exposes "The Threat From Within"

Intellectual Intolerance - Stunning Speech From Stanford University Provost Exposes "The Threat From Within"

In a remarkable - for its honesty and frankness - statement on the intellectual rot within America's Ivory Towers, Stanford University Provost John Etchemendy lay bare the challenges that higher education face in the coming, increasingly divisive, years.

The Threat From Within

American College of Pediatricians: ‘Transgenderism In Children Is Child Abuse’

The American College of Pediatricians has issued a statement condemning the liberal acceptance of “transgenderism in children”, claiming that it amounts to child abuse and causes disease and lifelong psychological problems.  The statement draws from scientific fact to list eight arguments on why gender reclassification in children is harmful, and backs President Trump’s decision to revoke federal guidance to schools to let children use whichever bathroom they want.
