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UMich Students Demand 'No-Whites-Allowed' Safe-Space To Plot "Social Justice" Activism

UMich Students Demand 'No-Whites-Allowed' Safe-Space To Plot "Social Justice" Activism

Submitted by Mason Clark via,

A student activist group at the University of Michigan is demanding campus officials provide them with “a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.”

The demand is one of several lodged by “Students4Justice,” who this month ratcheted up campus demonstrations to pressure administrators to cave, complaining in a newly launched petition that President Mark Schlissel has snubbed their demands.

University Of Washington Claims Proper Grammar And Spelling Is Racist

Expecting Americans to use proper grammar and spelling is racist, according to the University of Washington’s latest press release. In order to not be racist, teachers at the liberal university must allow students to use “non-standard spelling” (previously known as incorrect spelling) and accept that the idea of “proper grammar” is a racist concept that has been used to restrict opportunities and privileges, according to Washington University’s Writing Center.

Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

A Florida computer lab teacher, Veronica Fleming, at the predominately Latino Parkside Elementary School in Naples, Florida, had her job "reassigned" after she made the mistake of publicly supporting Trump's immigration policies over Facebook.  Apparently irked by all the "Day Without Immigrants" protests around the country (see "'Without Us, Your Country Is Paralyzed' - Undocumented Workers Plan Boycott 'Day Without Immigrants'"), Fleming wrote a post on her Facebook account that she was "so glad to hear about massive deportation."

Nigel Farage Drops Truth Bomb: The Younger Generation Screaming 'Fascist' Have Become the Thing They Loathe the Most

Always eloquent, Britain's Nigel Farage offers his views on the current state of leftist delirium -- pointing out how the younger generation have been hijacked by an agenda rich education system, indoctrinating them to not only espouse a certain ideology, but to become intolerant to opposing viewpoints. By definition, they've become the very thing they're working so terribly hard to defeat: god damned fascists.

A mindset of intolerance has been normalized amongst the left, promoted by the media, even accepting violence in order to 'stomp out' nazis and white supremacists.
