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Why Those Student Loans Aren't Getting Paid Off

Why Those Student Loans Aren't Getting Paid Off

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Last month, the US Department of Education admitted that a much larger number of students are defaulting on student loans than previously reported. According to the Wall Street Journal: 

[T]the Education Department released a memo saying that it had overstated student loan repayment rates at most colleges and trade schools and provided updated numbers.


America’s Student Debt Problem Is Much Bigger Than Anybody Realized

America’s Student Debt Problem Is Much Bigger Than Anybody Realized

Submitted by Shaun Bradley via,

The Department of Education recently released a memo admitting that repayment rates on student loans have been grossly exaggerated. Data from 99.8% of schools across the country has been manipulated to cover up growing problems with the $1.3 trillion in outstanding student loans. New calculations show that more than half of all borrowers from 1,000 different institutions have defaulted on or not paid back a single dollar of their loans over the last seven years.

Ohio State Offers Class On How To Detect Microaggressions And Be "Self-Aware Of White Privilege"

Ohio State Offers Class On How To Detect Microaggressions And Be "Self-Aware Of White Privilege"

This spring, Ohio State University will launch a new course entitled "Crossing Identity Boundaries" which will empower America's precious snowflakes with all of the tools they need to detect microaggressions and become "self-aware" of their inherent "white privilege."  Unfortunately, this isn't a joke.

University Gives Lethal Dose Of caffeine To Students

A UK university has been prosecuted for administrating a lethal dose of caffeine to two students during a scientific experiment that went wrong. The university in northern England has been fined £400,000 for endangering the lives of two students, by giving them 100 times the recommended dosage of caffeine, the equivalent of drinking 300 cups of coffee in one go. reports: An ill-placed decimal point on a mobile phone being used to calculate the caffeine dosage led to the sports science students at Northumbria University being given 30g of caffeine instead of 0.3g.

Student Faces Jail For Throwing Paper Airplane At Teacher

In Georgetown, South Carolina, playing a high school prank on the teacher could land you in jail. An Andrews high school student faces 30 days jail time for hitting his teacher in the eye with a paper airplane during class. South Strand News reports: On Tuesday, Jan. 10, Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested 17-year-old David Michael Elliott after his instructor, Edward McIver, told them he was struck in the eye by a paper airplane he threw during class. He was charged with third-degree assault and battery.
