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GWU Eliminates U.S. History As A Requirement For History Majors

GWU Eliminates U.S. History As A Requirement For History Majors

Upon his death in 1799, George Washington's will set aside 50 shares of the Potowmack Company in his estate to fund the creation of a national university in the nation's capital.  Just over 20 years later, an Act of Congress created the Columbian College in the District of Columbia which subsequently changed its name to George Washington University in 1904 in honor of Washington. Per WikiPedia:

Autism Rates In California Skyrocket Following Mandatory Vaccine Bill

According to new statistics, autism rates in California have exploded since the introduction of the mandatory vaccine bill last year.  Following the introduction of the controversial SB277 bill, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, autism rates have risen a staggering 17%. reports: The state of California passed its controversial mandatory vaccination law (SB 277), which removed personal and religious reasons from the list of being exempt from vaccinations, with the goal of increasing vaccination rates.

4.0 GPA Student Drops Out Of College: ‘You Are All Being Scammed!’

At last some college students are catching on to the scam of the century: the ‘education industrial complex’ that keeps driving the price of an education up while offering less and less in return. Average income is now five times what it was 40 years ago, while the price of a college education has increased 18 times in the same period. Yet the average college degree has never been more useless, preparing the graduate for nothing. Unless you are doing a targeted degree for a specific ‘real’ career, then you are being conned.
