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Oxford University Joins The List Of Liberal Institutions Urging "Gender Neutral Pronouns"

Oxford University Joins The List Of Liberal Institutions Urging "Gender Neutral Pronouns"

The University of Oxford has joined many other bastions of liberalism in the U.S. who, in an effort to endlessly cater to our overly sensitive millennials, have urged students to ditch gender-based pronouns like "he" and "she" for the gender-neutral alternative "ze."  Per EAG News, Oxford's behavior code states that inadvertently using the wrong pronoun for someone is technically "considered an offense" while British gay rights activist Peter Tatchell said that giving people the gender-neutral "ze" option is just a "thoughtful, considerate move."

Penn Students Tear-Down Shakespeare Portrait "To Affirm More Inclusive Mission"

Penn Students Tear-Down Shakespeare Portrait "To Affirm More Inclusive Mission"

Submitted by Anthony Gockowski via,

Students at the University of Pennsylvania removed a portrait of Shakespeare from a prominent location in the school’s English department after complaining that he did not represent a diverse range of writers.

In fact, the chair of the department confirmed in a statement that the portrait was stripped from the wall by his students as “a way of affirming their commitment to a more inclusive mission for the English department,” The Daily Pennsylvanian reports.

Tucker Carlson Snaps Flaccid College Student in Half Over Trump McCarthyism at American University

Tucker Carlson Snaps Flaccid College Student in Half Over Trump McCarthyism at American University

This punk never had a chance. He entered the lion's den of a soft spoken man who systematically destroys his opponents in verbal combat -- tearing them limb by limb until nothing is left. In this episode of 'You Can't Cuck the Tuck', Tucker Carlson took on a meek, sub 100 IQ, college student who wants to 'fire' Gary Cohn from the Board of Trustees at American University -- for meeting with Donald Trump. It's worth noting, trustees aren't hired, since, by definition, they're big donors and subsidize student tuitions.
