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California University Bans Phrase “Illegal Immigrant”

A California University has banned the use of the phrase “illegal immigrant” due to its offensive tone to potential illegal immigrants.  Professor Alicia Chavez at the University of Southern California (USC) told her students that they would be banned from using the words “illegal immigrant” in their final exams. reports: Alicia Chavez teaches the American studies course, “America, the Frontier and the New West,” a course that focuses on “the intersecting historical processes and diverse peoples which have shaped the region of the North American West.” According to an email screenshot supplied by a student in the class, despite the class dealing substantially with illegal immigration into the United States, Chavez banned use of the term “illegal immigrant” on her students’ upcoming final exam. Instead, students have been ordered to use the term “undocumented immigrant” or “unauthorized entry” as a euphemism for such immigrants. The ban on the term “illegal immigrant” is just the most recent sign of anti-conservative bias in the class, according to the student who forwarded the email. The student said Prof. Chavez also denounced supporters of President-elect Donald Trump as racist, and the class’s teaching assistant once claimed Trump wants to deport all Mexicans from [...]

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