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Schools And Colleges Are Making Students Even More Terrified Of Trump

Schools And Colleges Are Making Students Even More Terrified Of Trump


Anyone who has ever had a toddler knows that when your little one falls down, often, they look to you before deciding whether they should cry or not. If you rush over and say, “Oh you poor baby, you’re hurt” then the wailing commences. If you glance over and say, “You’re okay. You’re a tough cookie. Get back up,” then you’re teaching them that the proper response to falling is shaking it off and getting up again. We’re instilling courage and resilience when we do this.

British Government's "Counter-Extremist" Unit Shuts Down Milo Yiannopoulos Speech

British Government's "Counter-Extremist" Unit Shuts Down Milo Yiannopoulos Speech

Submitted by Kieran Corcoran via,

The British Government has shut down a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos after putting pressure on the school hosting it to call it off.

Anti-Extremism officials leaned on faculty at the school in Kent, England, where Yiannopoulos was due to speak, resulting in the event being scrapped.

Speaking to Heat Street about the cancellation, Yiannopoulos said:
