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Grade A School Children Punished After Boycotting Common Core

Florida school children who received straight A’s during their exams are being punished by their school for refusing to take part in Common Core assessments.  Parents who opted their children out of a set of standardised Common Core tests at the end of the year were told by a school in Orlando that their kids were going to be held back a grade as punishment, despite the fact that they were considered top of their class. reports: Via The Orlando Sentinel: The parents, part of the “opt out” movement opposed to high-stakes testing, are furious.

9 Year Old Banned From Wearing Trump "Make America Great Again" Hat In School

9 Year Old Banned From Wearing Trump "Make America Great Again" Hat In School

Donald Trump is polarizing enough for most adults, but it appears The Donald polarizes 9-year olds as well.

After attending a rally and meeting Donald Trump, 9-year old Logan Autry was proudly wearing is newly signed hat bearing the campaign's slogan "Make America Great Again" around his school (as is allowed outside of the classroom), but after a while, students started to pick at him for wearing the hat...

UN To Force Schools To Make Children Become ‘Social Justice Warriors’

The United Nations (UN) has unveiled a “global action plan” which demands that all educational facilities around the world teach children to become compliant “social justice warriors”.  The Orwellian-style plans include goals of indoctrinating the world’s youth in “protecting the planet” by sacrificing personal freedom’s and individuality for the “greater good” of humanity.

Israeli Rabbi Bans Girls Over 5 Years Old From Riding Bikes

A new decree has been introduced in one of Jerusalem’s neighborhoods which forbids all girls over the age of five from riding bicycles. An Ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbi claims the activity is “provocative” and could “cause serious damage to their modesty.” RT reports: The rabbi is from Jerusalem’s Nahloat district and part of the ultra-Orthodox Haredi branch of Judaism that rejects modern secular culture. His ruling was distributed to a number of synagogues.

US Schools To Teach ‘Transgenderism’ In Schools

Some schools in the U.S. will be required to teach transgenderism studies to kindergartens by the fall of 2017, under new plans by the government. Washington state public schools will begin teaching young school children about transgender issues under newly-approved health education learning standards that places transgender studies as a required part of K-12 eduction. Kids as young as five years old will be expected to understand concepts such as “gender fluidity” and will be taught that “there are many ways to express gender”.
