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New U.S. Law Could Allow Psychological Profiling Of Kids At School

A new bill is being proposed by Congress that will fund the psychological testing and profiling of all children in America.  The scheme would force US schools to collect sensitive data on students, including information on their “social and emotional learning,” attitudes, values, beliefs, and much more. The legislation, named Strengthening Education Through Research Act (SETRA), will give the Big Brother nanny state information on how to further indoctrinate and transform the minds of American children. Critics of the radical S.

Student Arrested After Using $2 Dollar Bill To Buy Lunch At School

An eight-grader students was apprehended by cops after he was reported to police by the school for attempting to use a $2 dollar bill to pay for his chicken nugget lunch as a school in Houston.  School officials, cafeteria workers and police did not realise that the $2 dollar bill was, in fact, legal tender. The unusual $2 dollar bill was first issued in the early 20th century and was produced up until 1966 where it was discontinued, apart from a reissue ten years later.

Sandy Hook Professor Sues College Insisting ‘Shooting Was A Hoax’

A disgraced former professor from the Florida Atlantic University is suing the university after they fired him for telling students that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting “was fake”. James Tracy claims his right to free speech was violated by the university, after they sacked him for promoting the Sandy Hook hoax theory. Tracy, an associate professor, filed the lawsuit on Monday, challenging the university’s “conflict of interest/outside activities” policy.
