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Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Authored by Niall Ferguson via The Spectator,

Social media helped Donald Trump take the White House. Silicon Valley won’t let it happen again...

In the 1962 Japanese sci-fi classic King Kong vs Godzilla, the two giant monsters fight to a stalemate atop Mount Fuji. I have been wondering for some time when the two giants of American social media would square up for what promises to be a comparably brutal battle. Finally, it began last month - and where else but on Twitter?

Democrats Raise Paltry $4.3 Million In Worst May Total Since 2003

Democrats Raise Paltry $4.3 Million In Worst May Total Since 2003

Embattled Democrats couldn’t catch a break on Wednesday: not only did the party go 0-5 in a series of special elections for the House of Representatives, but the Democratic National Committee disclosed that it raised just $4.3 million last month – its worst tally for the month of May since 2003, when the DNC raised just $2.7 million.

Meanwhile, the party’s bundlers plowed money into the special election campaign of Jon Ossoff, who lost his bid for Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price’s old seat in Georgia’s 6th Congressional district.