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Electoral College

Electoral College Update: Where The Vote Stands As Of 3:15PM ET

For those following today's Electoral College vote, here is the latest vote tally as of 3:15pm ET:

  • 241 electoral votes had been cast for Trump,
  • 127 electoral votes had been cast for Hillary Clinton.

So far that's in line with That's right in line with the results in the 26 states that have already cast their official Electoral College votes. On election day, Trump won 306 electoral votes on Election Day to Clinton's 232.

"This Is Stupid" - Pennsylvania Electors To Get Police Protection

While today's Electoral College vote is not expected,  by most, to lead to any surprises, and Donald Trump will almost certainly be selected as the next president in a vote that is usually routine but takes place this year amid allegations of Russian hacking to try to influence the election, some states are not taking any chances and following last week's report that Trump electors have seen a flurry of death threats, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that electors in Pennsylvania will have police protection as they cast their ballots on Monday.

Coup Or No Coup: What To Watch For As The Electoral College Votes Tomorrow

Coup Or No Coup: What To Watch For As The Electoral College Votes Tomorrow

With even Harvard's Larry Lessig admitting that his efforts to flip the Electoral College against Trump have failed miserably (see "Harvard Professor Admits His Efforts To Turn Electoral College Against Trump Have Failed Miserably"), it's a near certainty that Trump will, in fact, be elected President when the Electoral College casts their votes tomorrow. 

Clinton Demands Electoral College Overturn Results

Hillary Clinton’s team have urged the Electoral College to respond to claims by the CIA that Russia influenced the US elections by overturning the election results.  Hillary’s top aide, John Podesta, says the Clinton campaign will support members of the Electoral College in addressing serious concerns over “our national security” as a result of Russian hacking. Podesta has urged members of the College to take resposibility and rectify the problem by potentially overturning the results, claiming it is their Constitutional duty to do so.
