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The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People

The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People

Paul Craig Roberts

There is circumstantial evidence that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitute media are part of a conspiracy with the oligarchs, the military/security complex, the Hillary Democrats, and neoconized Republicans to shut down the dissident Internet alternative media and to deny Donald Trump the presidency.

Detroit Vote Rigged For Hillary

Detroit Vote Rigged For Hillary

Here is a report that Jill Stein’s Michigan recount discovered that the vote was rigged for Hillary, not for Trump.

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Trump Names CNN And CIA Perpetrators Of ‘Fake News’

Donald Trump has lashed out at CNN, the Washington Post and the CIA for maliciously putting out stories that the President-elect says are “fake news”. CNN put out a fake news story earlier in the week saying that Trump would be “working on The Apprentice” during his presidency, despite the fact that there was no evidence to back this up. Trump hit back at CNN, labelling the reports as “ridiculous and untrue”. Reports by @CNN that I will be working on The Apprentice during my Presidency, even part time, are ridiculous & untrue – FAKE NEWS! — Donald J.

Ayahuasca Brew Fights Alzheimer’s And Down Syndrome – Study

A breakthrough scientific study suggests that a hallucinogenic drink from South America called Ayahuasca contains a substance that stimulates the generation of human neural cells. The native South American brew Ayahuasca stimulates the brain and helps fight Alzheimer’s and Down syndrome, according to a new study. reports: Ayahuasca has been studied before for its ability to fight depression, but in the latest research, published in PeerJ, one of the main substances present in the drink, harmine, was exposed to human neural cells.
