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Blockchain And Us - The Documentary

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin and the blockchain. For the first time in history, his invention made it possible to send money around the globe without banks, governments or any other intermediaries. The concept of the blockchain isn’t very intuitive. But still, many people believe it is a game changer.

The first 40 years of the Internet brought e-mail, social media, mobile applications, online shopping, Big Data, Open Data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things.


The SEC Reveals: Chicanery Was Taking Place at

I've been saying Israeli based was a complete scam for years. Finally, after more than a decade of complete and utter shit, the SEC said 'enough is enough' and has decided to sue.

Today, the SEC filed charges against 27 fuckheads and companies for 'hundreds of conflicting articles' that were published on SeekingAlpha and other sites. This, coming on the day when $STRP got bought out for a 160% premium, after two years worth of wrong-headed short reports from Kerrisdale Capital, is poetic.
