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Visualizing What Energy Sources Power The World?

Visualizing What Energy Sources Power The World?

There are many types of maps out there, but one of the most telling ones is a simple satellite image of the Earth at night. As 's Jeff Desjardins writes, on these powerful images, the darkness is a blank canvas for the bright city lights that represent the vast extent of human geography. The bright spots help us understand the distribution of population, as well as what areas of the world are generally wealthier and more urban.

Protecting The Cheaters: EU Regulators In Bed With German Auto Industry Regarding Diesel

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

On June 14, Reuters reported Munich, Home to BMW, Considers Diesel Ban to Tackle Pollution.

Today, with strong overtones of regulators hopping in bed with industries they are supposed to regulate, EU’s Car Regulator Warns Against Diesel Ban in Cities.

Munich, home to carmaker BMW, has become the latest German city to consider banning some diesel vehicles amid “shocking” nitrogen oxide emissions in the Bavarian capital.


Fukushima's "Swimming Robot" Captures First Images Of 'Massive Deposits' Of Melted Nuclear Fuel

Fukushima's "Swimming Robot" Captures First Images Of 'Massive Deposits' Of Melted Nuclear Fuel

The “Little Sunfish,” the swimming robot that TEPCO is using to capture images of the containment vessel in the Unit 3 reactor of the ruined Fukushima power plant, has brought back the goods.

A trove of new images captured in the past few days show what is likely to be melted nuclear fuel from inside the reactor, what Bloomberg describes as a “potential milestone” in the cleanup of one of the worst atomic disasters in history.

TEPCO Sacrifices Another "Swimming Robot" At Fukushima: Still "No Sign Of Melted Nuclear Core"

TEPCO Sacrifices Another "Swimming Robot" At Fukushima: Still "No Sign Of Melted Nuclear Core"

While Elon Musk is fearful of the future of AI and robots destroying man, it appears the Japanese are taking the battle to the robots as they send a third 'swimming' robot into the destroyed Fukushima reactors in search of the melted nuclear core material.

As's Aman Jain writes, a swimming robot showed just how bad the damage at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant is.
