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Russian Satellite Will Launch In Two Weeks, Will Be The Brightest Star In Sky

Russian Satellite Will Launch In Two Weeks, Will Be The Brightest Star In Sky

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

(ABOVE: An artist’s rendition of the Russian Mayak satellite.)

Mayak, a Russian satellite that will become one of the brightest stars in the night sky, is just two weeks away from launching into space.  Their goal is to make the unique satellite bright with the use of a giant reflective sheet of material, but some scientists are warning that there may be negative consequences.

Scientists Fear "Supervolcano" Eruption As Earthquake Swarm Near Yellowstone Soars To 800

Scientists Fear "Supervolcano" Eruption As Earthquake Swarm Near Yellowstone Soars To 800

More than 800 earthquakes have now been recorded at the Yellowstone Caldera, a long-dormant supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park, over the last two weeks - an ominous sign that a potentially catastrophic eruption could be brewing. However, despite earthquakes occurring at a frequency unseen during any period in the past five years, the US Geological Survey says the risk level remains in the “green,” unchanged from its normal levels, according to Newsweek.

California To Add Monsanto's RoundUp To List Of "Cancer-Causing" Herbicides

California To Add Monsanto's RoundUp To List Of "Cancer-Causing" Herbicides

Back in March, we highlighted official evidence divulged in unsealed court documents which seemingly revealed collusion between senior executives at the $60 billion ag-chemicals powerhouse, Monsanto, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to kill "inconvenient" research which suggested that Monsanto's key herbicidal product, RoundUp, might be literally killing people. 

Trump's ANWR Move Could Spawn Epic Oil, Natural Gas Battle

Trump's ANWR Move Could Spawn Epic Oil, Natural Gas Battle

Authored by Bob Williams via Platts 'The Barrel' blog,

Oil majors thirsty for reserves likely to line up for any lease sale

President Trump has uncorked yet another controversy over energy vs the environment and it promises to be a heavyweight battle.

The White House budget proposal includes a revenue line of almost $2 billion from selling oil and gas leases in the richly oil-prospective northeastern coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska.
