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Epic Pictures From Arizona's Heatwave: "Everything Is Literally Melting"

Epic Pictures From Arizona's Heatwave: "Everything Is Literally Melting"

Ask any Arizonan whether their summers are more tolerable because "it's a dry heat" and you're likely to be asked to turn your oven to 150 degrees, stick your head inside for 20 minutes and report back as to whether or not the humidity within the oven ever crossed you mind.  Probably not.

And while Arizonans have learned to cope with the "dry heat," this summer has been particularly brutal for people living in the Southwest as temperatures have already soared to over 120 degrees in certain areas.  What's worse, it's only June.

Are Pope Francis & Angela Merkel Enemies Of European Civilization?

Are Pope Francis & Angela Merkel Enemies Of European Civilization?

Authored by Antonius Aquinas,

Two of Europe’s greatest contemporary enemies recently got together to compare notes and discuss how they were going to further undermine and destabilize what remains of the Continent’s civilization.  Pope Francis and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met on June 17, in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace to discuss the issues which will be raised at a Group of 20 summit meeting in Hamburg, from July 7-8.
