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It's Confirmed: Without Government Subsidies, Tesla Sales Implode

It's Confirmed: Without Government Subsidies, Tesla Sales Implode

According to the latest data from the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), sales of Electrically Chargeable Vehicles (which include plug-in hybrids) in Q1 of 2017 were brisk across much of Europe: they rose by 80% Y/Y in eco-friendly Sweden, 78% in Germany, just over 40% in Belgium and grew by roughly 30% across the European Union... but not in Denmark: here sales cratered by over 60% for one simple reason: the government phased out taxpayer subsidies.

North Korea Slams "Selfish" Trump's Paris Decision, Prepares 10th Ballistic Missile Launch This Year (& 6th Nuclear Test)

North Korea Slams "Selfish" Trump's Paris Decision, Prepares 10th Ballistic Missile Launch This Year (& 6th Nuclear Test)

Having chided President Trump for his "selfish" decision to pull of out the Paris Climate Accord, North Korea's Kim Jong Un is reportedly preparing for the 10th ballistic missile test-fire this year, and as Asahi reports, unconfirmed information that North Korea will carry out its sixth nuclear test.

Military sources revealed North Korea had signs of launching ballistic missiles on the morning of the 8th. The detailed location has not been revealed.

Fukushima Remains "A Nuclear Radiation Nightmare", In Pictures

Fukushima Remains "A Nuclear Radiation Nightmare", In Pictures

"This is an accident that does not exist in the past tense, but in the present progressive form," exclaimed Fukushima Gov. Masao Uchibori earlier in March, criticizing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for not explicitly the disaster in his annual speech. “It’s not possible to avoid using the important and significant terms of the nuclear plant accident of nuclear power disaster.”

More Solar Jobs Is A Curse, Not A Blessing

More Solar Jobs Is A Curse, Not A Blessing

Authored by Paul Driessen via The Mises Institute,

Citing U.S. Department of Energy data, the New York Times recently reported that the solar industry employs far more Americans than wind or coal: 374,000 in solar versus 100,000 in wind and 160,000 in coal mining and coal-fired power generation. Only the natural gas sector employs more people: 398,000 workers in gas production, electricity generation, home heating and petrochemicals.
