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ClimateGate 2 - NOAA Whistleblower Claims World Leaders Fooled By Fake Global Warming Data

ClimateGate 2 - NOAA Whistleblower Claims World Leaders Fooled By Fake Global Warming Data

Dr John Bates' disclosures about the manipulation of data behind the so-called 'Pausebuster' paper is the biggest scientific scandal since 'Climategate' in 2009 when, as Britain's Daily Mail reported, thousands of leaked emails revealed scientists were trying to block access to data, and using a 'trick' to conceal embarrassing flaws in their claims about global warming.

NOAA Whistleblower Confirms Global Warming Is A Scam

A high-level whistleblower from the world’s leading source of climate data has revealed that the NOAA deliberately published fraudulent data on global warming.  America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) deliberately sexed up a report that exaggerated the effect of man-made global warming in order to influence the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

TEPCO Admits Fukushima Radiation Levels Reach Record Highs As Hole In Reactor Discovered

TEPCO Admits Fukushima Radiation Levels Reach Record Highs As Hole In Reactor Discovered

With just 3 years left until the 2020 Olympics, Japan is likely desperate to reassure the world's athletes that all is well, but an admission from TEPCO - the Fukushima nuclear plant operator - that they discovered a hole at least one square meter in size beneath the reactor's pressure vessel, and lethal record-high radiation levels have been detected, will not likely reassure anyone.

Fukushima Radiation Could Kill More People Than Originally Believed

Exposure to radiation pouring out of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant could kill far more people than scientists originally believed.  According to a report by the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, exposure to 4 sieverts of radiation would kill up to 50% of the Japanese population. Scientists say that the radiation at the damaged reactor at Fukushima is calculated at 530 sieverts – 132% more.

UN Admit ‘Global Warming’ Is Really About Destroying Capitalism

The United Nations has admitted the “global warming” agenda they are pushing so hard is not about saving the environment, but is really about destroying capitalism. Speaking at a news conference in Brussels, United Nations official Christiana Figueres admitted that the global warming conspiracy set by the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, of which she is the executive secretary, has the ultimate goal of dismantling capitalism and replacing it with an as yet unnamed model.
