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Earth’s Poles “About To Flip” Say Scientists – Mass Extinctions Coming

Scientists are warning that the Earth’s magnetic poles are about to flip unexpectedly, which could lead to mass extinctions across the planet.  According to observers working within a global network of ground-based observatories, when the pole flip happens – scientists will be aware of it only a few hours in advance. reports: The alteration in the magnetic field during a reversal will weaken its shielding effect, allowing heightened levels of radiation on and above Earth’s surface.

California Labels Monsanto Weed-Killer As ‘Cancer-Causing’

California has officially declared that Monsanto week-killer Roundup is carcinogenic, and can now legally require the chemical giant to put a warning on the product.  According to a court ruling on Friday, Roundup is a possible cancer threat and authorities in the State have a duty to warn the public about the danger it poses. reports: Monsanto had sued the nation’s leading agricultural state, saying California officials illegally based their decision for carrying the warnings on an international health organization based in France.

Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’ Descend On Houston

A real life scene straight out of Alfred Hitchcock’s horror flick ‘The Birds’ appeared on a Houston highway on January 19th. A large flock of black birds oblivious to humans in speeding cars were spotted smashing into car windshields in Houston, Texas. The strange phenomenon has been occurring more frequently recently. Alfred Hitchcock said of his 1963 horror masterpiece ‘The Birds’ that “It could be the most terrifying motion picture I have ever made!” This could be a warning for Houston to prepare for the worst and board up, or for its residents to get the hell out of town.

Obama Issued A Massive Ammunition Ban Just One Day Before He Left Office

Obama Issued A Massive Ammunition Ban Just One Day Before He Left Office

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

In early December SHTFplan contributor Jeremiah Johnson warned the inauguration was still a long way off and that we should never underestimate a Marxist with an army of oligarchs to lean on. It turns out that Johnson’s warnings were right on target, as we have learned over the last couple of weeks that President Obama and officials in his administration moved feverishly to implement new rules and regulations with last minute initiatives.
