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Earth’s Poles “About To Flip” Say Scientists – Mass Extinctions Coming

Scientists are warning that the Earth’s magnetic poles are about to flip unexpectedly, which could lead to mass extinctions across the planet.  According to observers working within a global network of ground-based observatories, when the pole flip happens – scientists will be aware of it only a few hours in advance. reports: The alteration in the magnetic field during a reversal will weaken its shielding effect, allowing heightened levels of radiation on and above Earth’s surface. Were this to happen today, the increase in charged particles reaching Earth would result in increased risks for satellites, aviation, and ground-based electrical infrastructure. Geomagnetic storms, driven by the interaction of anomalously large eruptions of solar energy with our magnetic field, give us a foretaste of what we can expect with a weakened magnetic shield. In 2003, the so-called Halloween storm caused local electricity-grid blackouts in Sweden, required the rerouting of flights to avoid communication blackout and radiation risk, and disrupted satellites and communication systems. But this storm was minor in comparison with other storms of the recent past, such as the 1859 Carrington event, which caused aurorae as far south as the Caribbean. The impact of a major storm on today’s electronic infrastructure is [...]

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