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White House Scrubs ‘Climate Change’ Section From Website

President Donald Trump scrubbed all references to phony mad-made climate change science from the White House website just minutes after being sworn in.  At exactly noon on Friday, Trump took his first steps in tackling the fraudulent notion that humans are responsible for global warming, much to the joy of many leading scientists. reports: Climate Depot statement: “Climate skeptics are thrilled that one of the very first visible changes of the transition of power between President Obama and President Trump is the booting of “climate change” from the White House website.

Chinese, Germans Bidding To Turn Abandoned Nuclear Wasteland Of Chernobyl Into Solar Farm

Chinese, Germans Bidding To Turn Abandoned Nuclear Wasteland Of Chernobyl Into Solar Farm

For 30 years the 1,000 square miles surrounding the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia have lay largely inhabited and remains one of the most radioactively contaminated areas in the world.  But that's all about to change if a group of German and Chinese investors have their way about it.  According to Ukraine's Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ostap Semerak, 39 separate entities have applied for permission to install 2 gigawatts worth solar panels on the land that would otherwise lie unutilized for centuries to come.  Per Bloomberg:

Trump Team Preparing "Dramatic Cuts To Government Spending"

Trump Team Preparing "Dramatic Cuts To Government Spending"

According to a report from The Hill this morning, President-elect Trump's transition team is already working with career staff at the White House on plans to slash federal spending.  The Hill reports that significant cuts are expected to the budgets of the Department of Commerce, Energy, Transportation, Justice and State, among others, and would total $10.5 trillion over 10 years.

Obama Pays UN Global Climate Fund $500 Million

President Barack Obama made a payment of $500 million to a UN program to help poor countries in the fight against climate change just days before he was due to leave the White House. The US State Department said on Tuesday that the Obama administration had made its second $500 million payment into the Green Climate Fund (GCF)  The payment was transferred three days before the inauguration of Donald Trump who pledged before his election victory to “cancel billions in global warming payments to the United Nations” and devote funds instead to “environmental infrastructure” at home.

Volcano Explosion Could Cause Global Catastrophe

The deadly North Korean super volcano, Mount Paektu, is set to erupt and cause a global catastrophe, the likes of which would not have been seen for a thousand years. The 9,000 feet giant volcano located on the border between North Korea and China is the highest peak of the Korean Peninsula. Mount Paekdu is not far from a North Korean nuclear test facility where the government is conducting nuclear bomb tests. The active volcano is responsible for one of the deadliest eruptions in human history and experts believe history is about to repeat itself.
