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UN Climate Change Agenda Plot To Create ‘New World Order’

A former adviser to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has accused the United Nations (UN) of using the climate change agenda to usher in the New World Order.  Maurice Newman accused the UN of using climate change as a tool to expand its control over the entire globe. reports: Newman wrote: “This is not about facts or logic. It’s about a new world order under the control of the United Nations.

China Orders Shut Down Of 1,200 Factories After Smog "Red Alert" Declared In Beijing

In addition to its now traditional credit-funded boom-bubble-bust cycle which rotates from asset to asset, and is then promptly recycled courtesy of the nearly $35 trillion in various financial system "assets", another staple of the "new" Chinese economy are smog alerts following every burst in economic strength driven by "old economy" manufacturing.

Caught On Tape: CA Governor Brown Goes On Epic Climate Change Rant; Vows To Defy Trump

Caught On Tape: CA Governor Brown Goes On Epic Climate Change Rant; Vows To Defy Trump

Apparently Trump's recent letter to the Energy Department, which included very pointed questions about climate change research, and/or his appointment of former Texas Governor Rick Perry to lead that department going forward (a department that Perry proposed shutting down back in 2012 for those who may have forgotten), "triggered" California's head snowflake, Governor Jerry Brown, into an epic climate change rant before a gathering of scientists at the American Geophysical Union's national conference in San Francisco. 

Global Warming Theories Implode With Record High Sea-Ice Levels

Scientists have confirmed that sea-ice levels across Antarctica have reached record highs since records began, bringing the man-made global warming theory into disrepute. Contrary to United Nations models predicting global temperatures increasing due to carbon dioxide levels increasing, temperates across the world have remained steady for over 18 years, leading some scientists to condemn established global warming theories as ‘false’.
