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Vatican To Fire Priests Who Do Not Believe In Man-Made Global Warming

The Vatican have concluded man-made global warming is real and have threatened to fire priests who do not agree. The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences has conducted a study which concludes that global climate change is real, and is as a result of human activity. reports: This is important to the Church because creation care is part of our mission. We are called to be stewards of creation. It’s also important because climate change can exacerbate the ills of poverty. Poor people in much of the world are the most vulnerable to changes.

Catholic Priests Will Have To Preach About Climate Change

As part of a worldwide drive by the Catholic church to increase environmental awareness, priests are now going to have to to learn about climate change. Priests have been issued with new guidelines stating that members of the clergy should be ‘promoters’ of ‘appropriate care for everything connected to the protection of creation’. The Mail Online reports: The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences has ruled that climate change is real and caused by human activity. Members of the church have been urged to spread the message in a non-political manner.

Russia Discovers New Life Form In Antarctica

Russian scientists have discovered a brand new life form in Antarctica that they say has  genetic material never seen before in science. The new life was found in the subglacial Lake Vostok in Antartica, and only shares 86% of its genes with other known organisms. reports: In 2016, Sergei Bulat, head of the cryobiology laboratory at the University of Nuclear Physics in St. Petersburg, announced the discovery of a new life form in Antarctica: a bacterium found in a subglacial lake that could only be accessed after drilling through four kilometers of ice.

Scientists: San Andreas “About To Blow” – Mega Earthquake Warning

Scientists have warned that a recent spike in Earthquakes around the San Andreas Fault is a harbinger of a much bigger mega earthquake about to strike California.  Following Thursday afternoon’s 6.8-magnitude earthquake off the coast of California, another 7.8 earthquake hit the Solomon Islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Experts have warned that these inexplicably large earthquakes occuring along the Ring of Fire could have ruptured the San Andreas Fault, which would increase the chances of a deadly mega earthquake hitting California.
