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Why Trump Will Be Unable To Save The American Coal Industry

Why Trump Will Be Unable To Save The American Coal Industry

Submitted by Michael McDonald via,

It is no secret that the coal industry has faced hard times for the last few years. Environmental concerns led President Obama to institute more stringent regulatory requirements, while cheap natural gas created intense competition. Against that backdrop, many coal industry participants and investors hoped that President Trump would be able to reverse those fortunes.

Russian Spaceship Burns Up In Failed Launch

An unmanned Russian cargo spaceship carrying provisions to the International Space Station was destroyed after liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Thursday. The Progress MS-04 cargo spacecraft failed to reach orbit and broke up minutes after take-off in the atmosphere over Siberia due to an unspecified malfunction, the Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Twitter. Miami Herald reports: The Progress MS-04 cargo craft broke up at an altitude of 190 kilometers (118 miles) over the remote Russian Tuva region in Siberia that borders Mongolia, Roscosmos said in a statement.

Russian Cargo Ship Headed For International Space Station Burns Up Above Siberia After Loss Of Contact

Russian Cargo Ship Headed For International Space Station Burns Up Above Siberia After Loss Of Contact

Update: According to Russia's space agency
Roscosmos, most pieces of the falling spaceship burned up in the
atmosphere above Siberia. It was not immediately clear where the rest of
the pieces went.


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As we detailed earlier, an uncrewed Russian spacecraft meant to resupply the International Space Station appears to have suffered a malfunction shortly after launch today.

California Bans Cow Farts To Combat Global Warming

Farmers in California have been ordered to stop their cows from farting, or face paying an unspecified fine by State regulators.  In an attempt to reduce methane emissions by 40 per cent in order to tackle global warming, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a new law regulating the amount of methane ‘allowed’ to be released from cows. According to scientists, gasses produced by cow farts are a major source of methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.
