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Farmers To Sue Monsanto Claiming Roundup Gave Them Cancer

A group of farmers in Nebraska who have all been diagnosed with cancer are suing agrochemical giant Monsanto. The four farmers have claimed that glyphosate, in the the popular Monsanto herbicide brand Roundup, caused them to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and that the company intentionally misled the public about its dangers. Activist Post reports: The lawsuit was filed last Wednesday in federal court in Lincoln, Nebraska. The farmers are seeking punitive damages, alleging defective design, failure to warn, negligence and breach of warranty.

Guatemala’s Volcano Of Fire Erupts

An eruption at Guatemala’s Volcan de Fuego, one of the most active volcanoes in Central America, has prompted an evacuation of the area surrounding the peak. On Wednesday, volcanologists also observed explosive activity at the Santiaguito volcano in Quetzaltenango. RT reports: Guatemala’s National Institute for Seismology and Vulcanology are reporting that an ash column reaching 5,500 meters (18,000 feet) above sea level has emerged, while “moderate” lava flow is pouring out of the mountain.

Famine Stalks Yemen

The U.N. is warning that millions of Yemeni civilians are threatened by famine:

The director of U.N. humanitarian operations warned Tuesday that 7.6 million people in conflict-torn Yemen face severe food shortages and are ”one step” from famine.

John Ging, who just returned from Yemen, told a news conference that there has been ”a shocking fall off” in support from the donor community over the last few months for the millions of Yemenis who need food, clean water and basic health care.
