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Australia Releasing Herpes Virus Into Rivers To Destroy European Carp

Australia plans to spend 15 million dollars in a bid to exterminate European carp by releasing a strain of herpes virus into the country’s largest waterway. Tuesday’s federal budget will include funding for the clearing of the Murray-Darling Basin from the country’s worst freshwater feral pest, Australian authorities said on Sunday.

Amid Rising Fears Of Nuclear Power Plant Sabotage & Terrorism, Belgium Hands Out Iodine Pills To Entire Population

Amid Rising Fears Of Nuclear Power Plant Sabotage & Terrorism, Belgium Hands Out Iodine Pills To Entire Population

One month after we learned that the Brussels suicide bombers had planted hidden cameras at the home of the top Belgian nuclear official, we now learn that in a disturbing continuation of this story, the entire population of Belgium will be receiving iodine tablets, which helps to limit the effects of radiation on the body, as fears increase around the security of its nuclear power plants.

Major Earthquake Hits Pacific Nation Of Vanuatu

The Pacific nation of Vanuatu was struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake early on Friday prompting a tsunami warning. Minor sea level fluctuations of up to 0.3 metres have been predicted by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) for the next few hours. The earthquake hit the Vanuatu island of Malekula, 64 kilometres south south-east of Luganville. It prompted a Tsunami warning which was later cancelled when no significant damage was reported.

Belgium Issues Citizens With Iodine Pills In Case Of Nuclear War

Authorities in Belgium are going to supply the entire population of 11 million citizens with iodine pills to protect against a potential nuclear war in Europe.  Health Minister Maggie De Block says the drastic measure is to safeguard members of the public against a potential nuclear accident. Yahoo News reports: Iodine pills, which help reduce radiation build-up in the thyroid gland, had previously only been given to people living within 20 kilometres (14 miles) of the Tihange and Doel nuclear plants.
