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Hundreds Of Chinese Children Mysteriously Fall Ill Suffering From Nose Bleeds, Rashes, Coughing

Hundreds Of Chinese Children Mysteriously Fall Ill Suffering From Nose Bleeds, Rashes, Coughing

Hundreds of school children in East China's Jiangsu Province have fallen mysteriously ill, suffering from nose bleeds, itching, rashes, coughing, and other complicated symptoms, whose cause has not been determined.

CRI reports that some of the parents alleged that they noticed irritant smells at the school. They suspect that the smell comes from chemical factories near the school, which they believe are the main causes of their children's symptoms.

This is the second week in a row where students were found to be suffering from the same symptoms in the same province.

Japan: Magnitude 5.8 Earthquake Hits Fukushima

A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck close to the nuclear power plant at Fukushima which was previously destroyed in 2011 by an earthquake and Tsunami The quake struck 62 km from Namie, Fukushima, at 8:19 AM eastern US time, on April 20, 2016 The Japanese Earthquake Center and US Geological Survey have both reported the quake Superstation95 reports: The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power plant saw three reactors meltdown and explode in March, 2011.  Clean-up of the radiation continues to this very day, with spent fuel still remaining in some damaged fuel pools.

Monkeys Crossed The Ocean 21 Million Years Ago To Reach North America

Monkeys accomplished a monumental task of migration eons before the two American continents joined together 3.5 million years ago. Scientists believe that monkey mariners resembling today’s capuchins crossed a hundred miles of open ocean some 21 million years ago to get from South America to North America.  Japan Times reports: Scientists said on Wednesday they reached that conclusion based on the discovery of seven little teeth during excavations involving the Panama Canal’s expansion, showing monkeys had reached the North American continent far earlier than previously known.

US Government Approve World’s First Marijuana Patent

US officials approved the first-ever marijuana patent on August 4, 2015 for a plant containing large amounts of THC – the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.  Patent No. 9095554, “relates to specialty cannabis plants, compositions and methods for making and using said cannabis plants and compositions derived thereof,” according to the document. Vice News reports: “There is a real need for cannabis varieties for potential medical use that produce modulated THC concentrations and varying concentrations of other pharmacologically active substances,” the patent says.

Mercury Detected In San Francisco Fog May Have Come From Chemtrails

Traces of mercury have been detected in the fog around San Fransisco, with some experts claiming that the toxic metal may have originated from chemtrails being sprayed over the city.  Mercury is a highly toxic poison which can cause mental issues such as depression and anxiety due to chemical imbalances in the brain as a result of exposure. reports: Once again the mainstream media’s explanation for an important revelation might be lacking. However, that explanation is really just a translation of research from the University of California, Santa Cruz.
