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World War Drum Beats: China Builds Lighthouse On China Sea Island

The tensions between China and the world continued to escalate this week when China began operation the of a lighthouse on its recently-built island in the South China Sea. The man-made islands have caused tensions between China and the US and her allies to grow increasingly in the past few months. According to Asia Times: China claims most of the energy-rich waters of the South China Sea, through which about $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. But neighbors Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims.

NASA’s Mars Rover Takes Cool Photo On The Cold Planet

NASA’s Mars Opportunity rover captures a one of a kind photo of a ‘dust devil’ whirling on the surface of the Red Planet. The rover was perched on a ridge overlooking a valley when the opportunity was presented and the image was then sent home to NASA. abc News: Mars Dust Devil Photobombs NASA Rover Photo The Mars Opportunity rover snapped a photo of the dusty vortex while exploring the crater Endeavour.

Zika Virus Now Causes Nerve Cell Infections, Worrying Scientists

Scientists have warned that serious brain and spinal cord infections may occur in people who have been exposed to the Zika virus, in a worrying new development.  Investigators say that as well as Guillain-Barre syndrome, those with the virus may also suffer from encephalitis, meningitis and myelitis. Yahoo News reports: Evidence that Zika’s damage may be more varied and widespread than initially believed adds pressure on affected countries to control mosquitoes and prepare to provide intensive – and, in some cases, lifelong – care to more patients.

Hunter Kills Monster Alligator In His Cattle Ponds

An 800lb (360kg) alligator, suspected of feasting on cattle, was killed by a farmer in Florida. The 15-Foot reptile was one of the biggest, professional hunter Lee Lightsey, had come across on his alligator farm in 18 years. He needed a tractor to pull the huge creature from a cattle pond on his land. The BBC reports: Mr Lightsey and hunting guide Blake Godwin discovered the alligator in cattle ponds while supervising a guided hunt on Saturday. When the creature surfaced about 20ft (6m) away from them, they shot it.
