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MH370: Investigators Say Mozambique Debris Likely From Plane

The mystery of what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 continued as officials said two newly discovered pieces of debris found in Mozambique in Africa are from the doomed flight.  The announcement was made on Thursday by Australian officials following the completion of an examination of the two pieces. CNN reports: “The analysis has concluded the debris is almost certainly from MH370,” said Australian Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester.

MoD Develop Gravity Scanner That Will See Through Walls

A scientific breakthrough in a Ministry of Defence research project is paving the way for scanners that will one day be able see through walls and under the ground. The scientists including experts at the MoD’s Porton Down labs developed a new device that can detect tiny fluctuations in gravity. The gravity scanner which was revealed in a BBC Horizon documentary, can detect tiny changes in gravity, by using lasers to freeze atoms in position. The device could also lead to sensors that are immune to jamming or stealth technology designed to beat conventional systems like radar.

Insecure? It's Simple

Insecure? It's Simple

Never waste a crisis! Overheard on mainstream business media this morning: "We should be increasing [spending on miliatarization] because this [Belgium terror attack] could be a threat to us." The reason for such hawkish-ness... that's simple!



Source: The Burning Platform

Kellogg’s And Mars Announce They Will Label GMOs

Kellogg’s and Mars have announced that they will start to label their products containing GMOs with the words “Produced with Genetic Engineering”, following the blocking of the Dark Act in the U.S. Senate last week. They join General Mills and Campbells. General Mills’ announced that it would label GMOs in its own product portfolio last week. Campbell Soup was the first to commit to GMO labeling back in January A spokesman for Kellogg said they did not plan to reformulate products to avoid GMOs.
