A scientific breakthrough in a Ministry of Defence research project is paving the way for scanners that will one day be able see through walls and under the ground. The scientists including experts at the MoD’s Porton Down labs developed a new device that can detect tiny fluctuations in gravity. The gravity scanner which was revealed in a BBC Horizon documentary, can detect tiny changes in gravity, by using lasers to freeze atoms in position. The device could also lead to sensors that are immune to jamming or stealth technology designed to beat conventional systems like radar. RT reports: Neil Stansfield, from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), which is responsible for the research, told the Telegraph on Wednesday that the scanner freezes atoms with lasers and then gauges how they are affected by the gravitational pull of objects close to them. This can apparently help create a 3D map of an area. Stansfield told the newspaper the scanners could have a number of advantages. “Seeing underground is an obvious one. From a national security perspective, the potential is obvious if you can see caves and tunnels,” he said. It’s also claimed that the device is impossible to [...]