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150,000 Antarctica Penguins Die After Getting Trapped By Massive Iceberg

A grounded iceberg the size of Rome has rendered an Adelie penguin colony landlocked in Antarctica, leading to the death of almost 95% of the population. 150,000 penguins from Cape Dencion have died since iceberg B09B lodged itself in their bay in 2011 forcing them to trek 60km for food. Times of India reports: An estimated 150,000 penguins of Cape Denison in Commonwealth Bay have been killed since the iceberg measuring 1,120 square miles – larger than Luxemberg – forced them to trek 70 miles for food.

5.1 & 3.9 Magnitude Earthquakes Rattle State Of Oklahoma

The third largest earthquake ever recorded in the U.S. state of Oklahoma rocked its western parts on Saturday morning. Two quakes hit at 11:07 and 11:17 local time, 95 miles northwest of Oklahoma City, according to USGS. The recent rise in earthquake frequencies has been blamed on fracking. Tulsa World reports: The quake registered a 5.1 magnitude and was recorded northwest of Fairview at 11:07 a.m., according to preliminary estimates from the U.S. Geological Survey. A 3.9 aftershock followed about 10 minutes after the earthquake, according to the USGS.

Greek Farmers Clash With Riot Police During Pensions Protest

Greek riot police fired tear gas at farmers protesting against pension reform measures on Friday. The Greek farmers hurled stones at the agriculture ministry in central Athens ahead of a major demonstration outside parliament scheduled for later in the day. Farmers from across the country flocked to the capital to voice their outrage at Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s government plans to raise pension contributions and taxes to deal with Greece’s budget deficit.

Australia To Forcibly Vaccinate Citizens Via Chemtrails

Australia have approved a license application from Big Pharma company PaxVax for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into Queensland, via chemtrails.  The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) says that the vaccine qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000. reports: PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera.

Drs Say Larvicide Linked To Monsanto Is Cause Of Birth Defects In Brazil

Challenging the theory that the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil is the cause of the birth defect microcephaly, is a report from the Argentine doctors’ organisation A group of South American doctors are saying that the brain deformities found in newborn babies are caused by the mass fumigation -in the poorest areas of Brazil – with a chemical larvicide, and NOT by mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus.
