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Martin Armstrong Warns: 2018 Is The Year Of Earthquakes

Martin Armstrong Warns: 2018 Is The Year Of Earthquakes

Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

The Great San Francisco Earthquake struck on April 18th, 1906 (1906.295).

Based upon our model that monitors earthquakes due to their impact on the economy (1906 quake led to the Panic of 1907 and the formation to create the Federal Reserve in 1913), the risk for a major earthquake turns up in 2018.

Why? Actually from two aspects.

Moody's To State & Local Governments - Prepare For Climate Change Or Lose Access To Cheap Credit

Moody's To State & Local Governments - Prepare For Climate Change Or Lose Access To Cheap Credit

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, which officially began on June 1 and ends today, featured the highest number of major hurricanes since the 2005 season and was only the second time that two Category 5 hurricanes made landfall. However, it was by far the costliest hurricane season on record, with a preliminary total of $368.7 billion in damages, more than twice the cost in 2005. Nearly all of the damage resulted from the season’s three major hurricanes, Harvey, Irma and Maria.

54 Things You Didn't Know About Natural Gas

54 Things You Didn't Know About Natural Gas

Authored by Stuart Parnell via,

Every once in a while, I will realize that I have spent way too much time talking about oil, complaining about pipelines, Permania, free money and the impending “End of Big Oil because of Electric Vehicles”. And it’s on those days that my attention turns to oil and coal’s neglected stepsister who we know as natural gas. And in the spirit of American Thanksgiving, I would like to say that I, for one, am thankful for natural gas, the current turkey of the energy sector.

There Have Been 698 Earthquakes In California Within The Past 30 Days

There Have Been 698 Earthquakes In California Within The Past 30 Days

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Why is the west coast shaking so violently? 

According to the latest data from Earthquake Track, there have been 698 earthquakes in California within the past 30 days.  By the time that you read this article, that number will undoubtedly have changed.  In recent days I have felt such an urgency to write about the seismic activity on the west coast, and I am quite concerned that so few people seem to be paying attention to what is happening.
