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Wisconsin National Guard Plan Power-Grid Collapse Drill

Wisconsin National Guard Plan Power-Grid Collapse Drill

According to the Wisconsin National Guard Public Affairs Office, a two-day military drill will take place in Columbia County and at Wisconsin’s Emergency Operation Center in Madison simulating a total power grid collapse on November 15-16.

As the press release states “the public should not be alarmed or concerned if they notice an increased law enforcement presence and military personnel, as well as vehicles and equipment, including non-military unmanned aerial vehicles” in the drilling region.

"Delhi Has Become A Gas Chamber" - Apocalyptic Smog Causes Health Concerns For Millions

"Delhi Has Become A Gas Chamber" - Apocalyptic Smog Causes Health Concerns For Millions

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Residents of the heavily populated city of New Delhi, India have had to tie scarves across their faces in an effort to breathe more easily. 

The heavy smog in the city is entering day three, and a state of emergency could soon be declared to protect the health of the people who reside there.

Air quality readings in India’s capital have soared since Tuesday, with one monitor showing levels in the city were 969.

Here’s How to Deal With Overpopulation

Via The Daily Bell

Anytime someone in an elite or powerful position starts saying the population is too high we should get worried. You can bet it isn’t their friends and family that they are talking about overpopulating the Earth.

Of course, they are talking about people whom they consider peasants. Definitely me, and probably you too. We are the ones crowding this little planet, and we are the ones whose carbon footprint they say is a problem. Nevermind that the elites burn more carbon flying to their global warming conferences than I use in a year.

Norway's Oil Sector Faces Existential Crisis

Norway's Oil Sector Faces Existential Crisis

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,

Oil companies have recently focused on frontier exploration drilling in the Barents Sea offshore in Norway, neglecting the powerhouse of the Norwegian oil industry, the North Sea.

Exploration activity in the North Sea - the most mature area of Western Europe’s biggest oil producer - is at an 11-year low this year, which is a concern for the industry’s regulator, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).

China Unveils "Magic" Island-Building Ship On Eve Of Trump Arrival

China Unveils "Magic" Island-Building Ship On Eve Of Trump Arrival

In a move that appears to validate Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman Joseph Dunford’s concerns about China’s strategy of slowly expanding its territorial and military footprint in the Pacific, the Chinese government unveiled on Sunday a “magical” island-building ship on the eve of Donald Trump’s visit in a move likely to renew fears about its claims to territory in the South China Sea, the Financial Times reported.
