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Florida's Orange Growers May Never Recover From Hurricane Irma

Florida's Orange Growers May Never Recover From Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma destroyed half of Florida’s citrus crop when it tore through the state earlier this month, as we reported earlier this month. The state’s orange growers at the time described the damage from the storm as the worst they’d seen in their lifetimes, as we reported at the time.

Many of the affected groves of oranges and grapefruits were approaching harvest, too – and their destruction helped send the price of orange concentrate futures rocketing higher.

Inconvenient? Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth In September

Inconvenient? Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth In September

According to data from The Danish Meteorological Institute, since hitting its earliest minimum extent since 1997, Arctic sea ice has been expanding at a phenomenal rate.

As notalotofpeopleknowthat blog details, it is already greater than at the same date in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015.

Put another way, it is the fourth highest extent in the last ten years.

California Mulls Combustion-Engine Car Ban: "You Could Stop All Sales By 2030"

California Mulls Combustion-Engine Car Ban: "You Could Stop All Sales By 2030"

California, the state which single-handedly turned Elon Musk into the billionaire that he is today by forcing taxpayers to subsidize his unprofitable electric vehicle scam via "Zero Emission Vehicle" credits, is now considering a full ban of combustion-engine cars by as early as 2030. The potential ban was discussed by Mary Nichols of the California Air Resources Board, the same folks who decided to regulate cow farts last year, who told Bloomberg that Governor Jerry Brown has expressed interest in a ban.

50,000 Evacuated From Bali As Nation Faces Imminent Volcanic Eruption

50,000 Evacuated From Bali As Nation Faces Imminent Volcanic Eruption

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Fears of an imminent eruption on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali have led to the evacuation of an estimated 50,000 people.  

The Mount Agung volcano is going to erupt, scientists say.

Waskita Sutadewa, the spokesman for the disaster mitigation agency in Bali, said people have scattered to all corners of the island and some have crossed to the neighboring island of Lombok.
