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Eurasian Economic Union

Iran Joins EAEU - 45 Years Of US Foreign Policy Down The Drain

Authored by Tom Luongo,

Iran is joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). By early next year, February by this account, Iran will join the five founding members of the Union and open the door for Turkey to do so later in 2018.

Between this and the end of the war in Syria, it’s not hard to declare the Brzezinski Doctrine of U.S.-led Central Asian chaos as gasping its last breaths.

Putin Bans All American Corn And Soybeans Amid Russian GMO War

Putin has announced plans to ban soybeans and corn imports into Russia from the United States over possible GMO contamination.  Russia’s food safety watchdog say that the contaminated products risk affecting food safety in Russia and could adversely affect other Eurasian Economic Union members. reports: The Russian agency says it notified US authorities on Monday to halt exports of corn contaminated with dry rot to Russia.