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Why People Will Happily Line Up To Be Microchipped Like Dogs

Why People Will Happily Line Up To Be Microchipped Like Dogs

Authord by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

So...some people actually want to be microchipped like a dog. They’re lining up for it. They’re having parties to get it done. It if isn’t available to them, they’re totally bummed out.

I’m not even going to venture into the religious aspect of having a microchip inserted into a human being. Let’s just talk about the secular ramifications.

Certain folks won’t be happy until everyone has a computer chip implanted in them. Here’s how this could go.

"We Paid A Heavy Price For This Mistake" - Europe To Be Flooded With 2nd Refugee Wave, UN Warns

Back in 2015, at the height of Angela Merkel's "open door" admission policy which in addition to granting German entry to over 1 million refugees, many of whom turned out to be radical jihadists and sent her approval rating crashing to the lowest in her career, the German chancellor realized that the great migration wave from the middle east into Central Europe, originally meant to reinvigorate Europe's aging demographics (and prompted Deutsche Bank to even boost its German GDP forecast), maybe was not such a great idea, and was just not worth the risks and trade offs.

Is America Really 'Up' For A Second Cold War?

Is America Really 'Up' For A Second Cold War?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

After the 19th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party in October, one may discern Premier Xi Jinping’s vision of the emerging New World Order.

By 2049, the centennial of the triumph of Communist Revolution, China shall have become the first power on earth.

Her occupation and humiliation by the West and Japan in the 19th and 20th centuries will have become hated but ancient history.
