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Global Equities Hit New All Time High Ahead Of The Fed; VIX < 10; Japan Stocks Surge

Global Equities Hit New All Time High Ahead Of The Fed; VIX < 10; Japan Stocks Surge

S&P futures are little changed as the Fed begins its two-day FOMC meeting pushing the VIX below 10, down 1.3% and falling for the 7th day; European shares are lower as is the dollar while Japanese stocks soar on the back of a tumbling yen as a snap election in Japan now appears imminent. Despite the cautious action ahead of the Fed, the The MSCI All-Country World Index rose 0.1% to a new record high.

Bill Blain: "One Fund I Met Is Convinced Bond Markets Are On The Edge Of A Precipice"

Submitted by Bill Blain of Mint Partners

Blain’s Morning Porridge – September 19th 2017

     “I had to phone someone so I picked on you. Hey, that far out so you heard him too..”

There is a veritable hurricane of new issues hitting the market. Like the new Ukraine deal they are being priced to sell – perhaps racing to get down before the rains come. There is the sure and certain knowledge this feeding frenzy is going to stop. With a thumping great crunch.

Guaranteed Income And Living Wage Schemes Cannot Possibly Work

Guaranteed Income And Living Wage Schemes Cannot Possibly Work

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg Supports Universal Basic Income.

In its basic form, universal basic income means “everyone gets a paycheck, whether they have a job or not.”

Many expect even more. They want a guaranteed “living wage”.

Useless Trials

Such schemes cannot possibly work. But that does not stop fools from trying.

Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp

Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp

Trump’s election confirmed one thing for certain: The Deep State is real.

As Ben Garrison writes, the Deep State's dedication to removing our president from power is relentless. They will continue to work against him and if Trump backs off from any of his campaign promises, they’ll use that against him and claim victory. This is currently being done with his ambivalence on the ‘dreamers,’ which is a lefty name designed to garner sympathy for illegal aliens.
