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Which European Nation Suffers From The Most Drug-Induced Deaths?

Which European Nation Suffers From The Most Drug-Induced Deaths?

As highlighted by the latest edition of the European Drug Report, Estonia is the country with the most drug-induced deaths per million population in Europe.

You will find more statistics at Statista

At 103 - 82 above the EU average - only Sweden comes close with 100 deaths. However, at the other end of the scale, as Statista's Martin Armstrong points out, Portugal, where drugs were decriminalised back in 2001, had only 6 per million people.

BOJ Plans To Drop Inflation Target At Thursday's Meeting

BOJ Plans To Drop Inflation Target At Thursday's Meeting

The Bank of Japan is finally acknowledging something that Federal Reserve policy makers like San Francisco Fed President John Williams acknowledged months ago, when he published a paper highlighting the growing disconnect between the tightening labor market and consumer prices. As Credit Suisse strategist Burkhard Varnholt explained two months ago, the growing heft of e-commerce companies like Amazon represents a new disinflationary paradigm, weighing on the costs of consumer goods.
