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Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Washington's Empire Is Not Unraveling"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The military/security complex spent seven decades building its empire. The complex assassinated one American president (JFK) who threatened the empire and drove another (Richard Nixon) out of office. The complex does not tolerate the election of politicians in Europe who might not follow Washington’s line on foreign and economic policy.

NATO Splinters: Germany Says "Has No Choice But To Pull Out" Troops From Turkey's Incirlik Airbase

NATO Splinters: Germany Says "Has No Choice But To Pull Out" Troops From Turkey's Incirlik Airbase

Diplomatic relations between NATO members Germany and Turkey hit rock bottom on Monday when Germany's foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel said his country has no choice but to begin the process of pulling its forces out of Turkey's Incirlik air force base as the Turkish government will not allow all German lawmakers to visit troops there.

"Turkey has made clear that, for domestic political reasons, it cannot approve visits of all lawmakers," Gabriel told a news conference after meeting Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in Ankara.

Spanish Banking Crisis Spreads As Banco Popular Credit Curve Inverts

Spanish Banking Crisis Spreads As Banco Popular Credit Curve Inverts

Having told its employees "don't panic" over the weekend (at the crashing stock and bond prices of Spain's 6th largest bank), it appears investors are ignoring that message as Banco Popular's credit curve has inverted for the first time since 2012 in the biggest red flag yet that Spain's banking crisis is systemic and about to test the EU's bail-in laws.

Banco Popular Chairman Emilio Saracho sent a letter to staff assuring them the bank remains solvent after Friday's stock crash, courtesy of Expansion, google translated:
