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PCR misrepresented on

PCR misrepresented on

A reader has alerted me to the misrepresentation of my position by Jayson Veley on

UPDATE: I sent a comment on the article challenging its misrepresentation of my position, as did readers who alerted me to the misrepresentation. Neither my comment nor the readers’ comments have been posted. This tells me that Jayson Veley is not a reliable writer and is not a reliable website.

Trader "Appalled" At Market Reaction To Manchester Bombing "There's More To Life Than Next Few Basis Points"

Trader "Appalled" At Market Reaction To Manchester Bombing "There's More To Life Than Next Few Basis Points"

Remember Paris

And London in March...

At the time of the London attack, Bloomberg's Paul Dobson reminded readers that were wondering about the sanguine response to the breaking news, that terrorist incidents including the one in Paris in 2015 and London bombings in 2005 spurred equity selloffs that were erased in the following days and weeks.

And sure enough traders decided the bombing and murder of 22 kids in Machester was the perfect opportunity to panic buy stocks...

