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Things That Make You Go Hmm... Like The Death Of The Petrodollar, And What Comes After

Things That Make You Go Hmm... Like The Death Of The Petrodollar, And What Comes After

Excerpted from "Get It. Got It. Good" by Grant Williams, author of "Things That Make You Go Hmm..."

The story begins in the 1970s when Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon struck a deal with the House of Saud — a deal which gave birth to the petrodollar system.

The terms were simple The Saudis agreed to ONLY accept U.S. Dollars in return for their oil and that they would reinvest their surplus dollars into U.S. treasuries.

Europe Proposes Confiscating Gold In Crackdown On "Terrorist Financing"

Europe Proposes Confiscating Gold In Crackdown On "Terrorist Financing"

Hot on the heels of China gold import restrictions, and India's demonetization and gold confiscations, The European Commission proposed tightening controls on cash and precious metals transfers from outside the EU under the guise of shutting down one route for funding of militant attacks on the continent, following the Berlin Christmas attack.
