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Juncker Pleads With Austria's Hofer: "No Referendums"

Juncker Pleads With Austria's Hofer: "No Referendums"

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker issued a warning to Austrian presidential candidate Norbert Hofer, regarding referendums.

Hofer, an anti-immigration, candidate is in a tight race for the election coming up on December 4.

If he wins, Hofer said he would hold in-out referendums if Brussels seeks to expand it power.

Frontrunning: November 30

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Global Stocks, US Futures And Yields, Rise As Oil Soars On OPEC Deal Optimism

Global Stocks, US Futures And Yields,  Rise As Oil Soars On OPEC Deal Optimism

European, Asian stocks rise as do S&P futures as OPEC ministers gathering in Vienna appeared to be set to announce a deal to cut oil production and prop up global prices. Oil has surged over 7% as a result, also pushing US TSY yields and the dollar higher.

With all eyes on Vienna, where optimism OPEC ministers will salvage a deal to cut production, oil has soared by over 6% reverberating through the financial markets, spurring oil’s biggest gain in two weeks and sending stocks of energy producers and currencies of commodity-exporting nations higher.

NATO's Rear-Guard Actions

Submitted by Brian Cloughley via,

In the military a rearguard action is defined as ‘a defensive action carried out by a retreating army’ and it is an appropriate description of the desperate scrabbling by NATO to convince the rest of the world — and especially Donald Trump — that its existence is justified.
