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Men Are Dogs

OK, let’s look at the this week’s identity freakshow: people who think they are animals. The Guardian brings us news of the “pups” subculture. Excerpts:

It’s easy to laugh at a grown man in a rubber dog suit chewing on a squeaky toy. Maybe too easy, in fact, because to laugh is to dismiss it, denigrate it – ignore the fact that many of us have found comfort and joy in pretending to be animals at some point in our lives.

Plans To Create EU Army Kept Secret From Voters Until After Referendum

It has emerged that detailed plans to move towards the creation of a European army are being kept secret from British voters until after the EU referendum on June 23rd. The plans reportedly involve establishing a new European military and operational structures which includes a headquarters. RT reports: The first step towards such a plan is said to be supported by Germany and other EU member states. The document, drawn up by the EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, will be discussed by European leaders at a summit on June 28.

ISIS Commander Killed In Falluja Airstrikes As A Familiar Face Emerges

ISIS Commander Killed In Falluja Airstrikes As A Familiar Face Emerges

At this point in the war against ISIS, which as we pointed out previously is in full retreat now that its supply of oil-based funding from Turkey has dried up, the only question is when some of the main strongholds of the Islamic State in the region fall, putting what's left of the terrorist organization in terminal disarray. Chief among ISIS' core cities are Raqqa and Deir el-Zour in Syria and Mosul, Baiji and the outskirts of Baghdad, including Falluja in Iraq.

First, a big picture view of the situation.

Hedge Fund Billionaire Slams Democracy, Says The "Tyranny Of The Majority Is An Unhealthy Development"

In his latest letter to investors, OakTree Capital's Howard Marks goes political (slamming Trump's tariffs and Bernie's minimum wage machinations), shedding some blinding light on the economic reality of America, the dismal failure (and increasing impotence) of central bankers, and the ongoing "tryanny of the majority" warning that if everyone wants to tax-the-rich, soon there will be no rich to tax.
