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“Only Money Outside Of the Matrix" Will Survive ...

Only Money Outside Of the Matrix" Will Survive ... 

“Gold and silver bottom is in”, renowned silver analyst David Morgan tells Max Keiser on the Keiser Report and warns about paper and digital proxies for money and gold. Morgan, also known as the ‘Silver Guru’ of the, talks to Max about the gold, silver and global bond markets and the ponzi scheme that are these markets.

NATO Ready To Intervene In Libya If Requested By Unity Government

NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg  on Tuesday that the alliance is ready to intervene in the situation in Libya if the country’s Government of National Accord (GNA) files a corresponding request. However some countries are holding back on NATO, EU ambitions in Libya According to reuters: Europe’s bold intentions to support Libya’s new U.N.-backed government are faltering as France and Germany resist a bigger role to rebuild the failed state, scarred by the West’s 2011 air campaign to help topple dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

"Run For Cover If You’re Short" Gartman Pleads One Day After Saying "2,025 Is A Given"

For today's dose of pre-market entertainment, we go once again to Dennis Gartman, who clearly perturbed by the violent turnaround in global stocks yesterday appeared on CNBC where the "closely followed market-watcher" said the early week's market gains could continue for the next couple of weeks.

"Historically when that happens, we carry through. So I think you're likely to trade better — maybe not today, particularly — but I bet by Friday we're higher and I bet by next week we're higher again," Gartman told CNBC in London.

Frontrunning: May 25

  • Oil nudges $50 a barrel as investors bet on shrinking overhang (Reuters)
  • From hinterland to wonderland: China's 'teapot' refinery boomtowns (Reuters)
  • Peter Thiel Has Been Secretly Funding Hulk Hogan's Lawsuits Against Gawker (Forbes)
  • China Wants to Set Prices for the World's Commodities (BBG)
  • Big Banks Ladle On the Risk (WSJ)
  • China Said to Plan Asking U.S. on Timing of Fed Rate Hike (BBG)
  • ECB credit buying to start small, betting on issue boom (Reuters)
  • HP Enterprise to Spin Off, Merge Services Business (WSJ)
